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Definition of Being Healthy: What Ayurveda says
November 3, 2021 11840Sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha prasanna atma indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate
‘The greatest wealth is health’ as quoted by the Roman poet Virgil. But it remains to be th...

How does one achieve Anti- Aging through Ayurveda?
November 3, 2021 8190In the beauty, health, and wellness sector, the link between Ayurveda, anti-aging, and cosmeceuticals is gaining traction. The origins of Ayurvedic cosmeceuticals or, in short, ayurvedic anti-aging treatment may be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Vayasthapana (age-defying), Va...

How Ayurveda works in treating common neurological disorders
November 3, 2021 9335The nervous system is a sophisticated and complicated system that controls and directs the body's fundamental processes and activities. This system is in charge of our entire body and plays an important role in helping us to perform our day-to-day activities with ease. Every activity we per...

Rtucharya : The Unspoken Bond Between Man and Nature
November 11, 2021 9565One of the best conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken
There is a profound and unspoken bond between man and nature. "Mother Nature" as we rightly perso...

How are skin diseases treated—The Ayurveda Way
November 11, 2021 17406The skin, being the body's first line of protection, is very much vulnerable to infections and other terrible disorders. Apart from external factors, there are internal factors too that form a primary reason for causing skin problems. Skin diseases are considered one of the first signs of a...

Foods that Heal — Best foods for people with Diabetes
November 25, 2021 12011Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition marked by high blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels, which can cause catastrophic damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves over time. The medications currently in practice have not eradicated the disease and in most cases, it f...

An Ayurvedic Sleep Cognizance For Night Owls And Day sleepers!
December 3, 2021 13284One of the most fundamental elements of human physiology is Nidra (sleep). Along with Ahara (food) and Brahmacharya (celibacy), it is regarded as one of the three foundations of wellness. Getting enough sleep is necessary for good health and longevity. According to Acharya Charaka, the indi...

The ABCs of Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy
December 9, 2021 8150“No cure doesn’t mean no hope”
It’s truly bitter-sweet for us because there are so many more kids who still don’t have any treatment. Our hope is for more safe and effective the...

How Women’s health determines the health of the progeny
December 20, 2021 16731In this competitive world, a healthy, intellectual, offspring with a long life is desired by all the parents. Science reveals the fact that the anatomical, physiological & psychological build-up of an offspring is dependent on the father (Pitruja), Mother (Matruja) who provide genes...
Light the Right Fire: AGNI—The Digestive Health Regulator
January 21, 2022 10968Agni means fire in Samskrita. Agni, the basic essential of life, regulates the creation and destruction of the universe, as well as the anabolism and catabolism of all organisms.
According to Ayurveda, Jatharagni, the digestive fire is responsible for all digestive and met...

Pumsavana Karma: An epitome of transcendence for a better progeny
April 1, 2022 7859Pumsavana Karma. All might still be wondering are we living in a world of myth or science. For understanding that you have to imagine what really was it like to be in a system of ancient Indian cultures and health practices.
Ancient Indian cult...

Hemophilia: Is there a cure or treatment for Hemophilia ?
April 13, 2022 9992Hemophilia is a rare inherited bleeding disorder characterized by spontaneous or excessive internal as well as external bleeding eventually leading to various comorbidities, progressive disability or even sometimes it costs life. Though the number of cases registered are limited to 20,000, ...
Path to normal delivery- A ray of hope through Ayurveda
April 21, 2022 13228Pregnancy is a beautiful journey of a woman’s life for welcoming a pure soul into this world. And the process of delivery is the 1st adventure of a newborn.
Cesarean Section is a lifesaving procedure developed to reduce maternal and new-born mortality rate. But CS&rs...
Do you know smoking is a common trigger for Dry Eyes?
April 23, 2022 6611It is not necessary to explain the importance of Eyes in our life and unfortunately we never understand it until we lose our vision. Today we are looking into the effect of the common habit that is smoking, in our eyes.
What is Dry Eyes?
It is a...
Menopause—A pause while you reappraise yourself
April 27, 2022 9336Menopause is a time in a Women’s life that marks the end of her menstrual cycles. It's diagnosed after she has gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in the age of 40s or 50s, but the average age is 46 years in India. Menopause is a transition of life and not ...
It's time to say—Goodbye PCOD with Ayurveda!
May 4, 2022 9474PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical condition in which the woman's ovaries produce immature or partially mature eggs in large numbers. Over time, these become cysts in the ovaries. It is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. A study by ...
Urinary Incontinence? Let's see what Ayurveda has to say!
May 13, 2022 12934Urinary incontinence means a person leaks urine by accident. Loss of bladder control varies from a slight loss of urine after sneezing, coughing, or laughing, to a complete inability to control urination. It is also known as an overactive bladder. Though it can happen to anyone, ur...

Healthy at 100: Ayurvedic Anti-ageing Mantra
November 13, 2022 9081In the Kaliyug, the motto is "healthy at 100," which comes from the Vedas.
The Vedic quest for knowledge of life and its spiritual element was built on the principle of longevity.