AVP Research Foundation's GOTRA speciality Clinic in Coimbatore is noted as one of the best clinics for Gynaecological and Obstetrical Training and Research in Ayurveda. Among the 8 branches classically, women's health is included under the mother and child care – Bala Chikitsa. We bring to you a specialized branch providing complete care relating to gynaecology and women's health, starting from menarche to menopause. Traditionally Ayurveda suggests various regimens for a healthy reproductive period. It includes Ritucharya (Regimens during menstrual phase)., Garbha sanskar (Preconception care), Garbhini Paricharya (Ante-Natal Care), Sootika Paricharya (Postnatal/ Puerperal Care), etc. This holistic science gives importance to couples – Both male and female in Pre-Concessional care. It consists of both diet and lifestyle modifications.
Our AVPRF Speciality Clinic, GOTRA, primarily caters to gynaecological and obstetrical disorders. A few common issues include – Menstrual disorders - Scantily flow, heavy bleeding; Leucorrhea (white discharge), Infertility, Menopausal issues; Fibroids, Breast lumps/tumours; infections of Vagina, Cervix, etc. Ayurveda has a range of local procedures for combating such matters effectively. It includes – Prakshalana, Pichu, Dhoomapana, Purana, Varti, etc., in Yoni, Ksharakarma, etc.
Another particular procedure known as Uttarabasti is practised in our clinic. It is one of the Panchakarma treatments. It is a para-surgical procedure where medicines are administered through urethral or vaginal routes. This vasti helps in expelling Doshas from the uterus, thus eradicating diseases related to the urogenital system.