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The 8 branches of Ayurveda

The 8 branches of Ayurveda

Kaya is the Sanskrit term for body and Chikitsa for treatment. This branch of Ayurveda deals with treatment of a wide range of diseases affecting the entire body like Jvara (Fever), Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders), Shvasa (Respiratory disorders), Kasa (Cough), Atisara (Diarrhea), Hrid Roga (Cardiovascular diseases), Kushta (Skin diseases), Asthi Sandhi Gata Vyadhi (Musculoskeletal diseases) and Vata Vyadhi (Neurological diseases)

Bala Chikitsa also known as Kaumarabhrtya (Kaumara san: children, Bhrtya san: care)

Bala refers to an infant/child. This branch of medicine deals with the treatment of children, nutrition & nourishment of children, purification of breast milk, diseases in infants & children due to contamination of breast milk, malnutritional diseases, milestone delay, pediatric psychology and developmental -behavioral pediatrics.

This branch of Ayurveda specifically deals with the diseases of mind and psychic conditions.

It also describes the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders caused by the affliction of Deva, Asura, Gandharva, Yaksha, Rakshasa, Pitara, Pishacha, Naga and other demons or evil spirits (demonology, evil spirits, and infections)

Current practice deals with developmental disorders, depression, anxiety, mood swings, emotional disturbances, fear and anger.

It is also known as Shalakya tantra. (Shalakya sans: Probe, Tantra sans: Technique)

Urdhwa refers to the upper part; Anga refers to organs and Chikitsa to treatment. This branch of Ayurveda deals with the treatment of diseases that occur in the Eye, Ear, Nose, Mouth and Throat.

Ayurveda Netra (Eye) Chikitsa has shown its efficacy in preventing, managing and curing common eye diseases like early stage of Cataract, Glaucoma, Retinal Diseases and inflammatory eye diseases with herbal medicines and non-invasive treatment methods.

Shalya is the Sanskrit term which refers to foreign bodies. The branch deals with surgical management of diseases. Experts in Shalya Tantra deals with Arshas (Hemorrhoids/ Piles) Bhagandara (Fistula in Ano) Nadi Vrana (Pilonidal Sinus), Parikartika (Fissure), Vidradi (Abscess), Gudabhramsa (Rectal Prolapse), Vrana (Ulcers/ wounds), Dushta vrana (Non healing ulcers), Kadara (Corn foot), Mamsa keela (Polyps), Bhagna (Fracture), Sandhi moksha (Dislocation) and other minor surgical procedures.

This is also known as Agada Tantra. (Agada sans: any agent which makes the body free from disease)

Visha is poison. The branch deals with identification, diagnosis & treatment of various poisons of snakes, spiders, rats and other reptiles. It also describes various types of poison, combination of poisons, natural poisons, artificial poison and their identification and treatment.

Most of the skin diseases result due to intake of toxins through improper food habits, junk foods, and exposure to industrial chemicals and insect bites. With Panchakarma (Detoxification/ Bio purification methods) and Shamana Oushadha (Pacifying medicines) Ayurveda manages and cures such diseases.

Jara is the term for old age or senility. It deals with diseases related to senility and measures enhancing the life span, intelligence, memory, strength and immunity through Rasayana Chikitsa.

It also deals with prevention & treatment of Geriatric diseases which includes Rasayana (Anti aging therapy).

Rasayana treatment boosts the vital force of life (the ojus) and the immune system. It helps a person to maintain good physical and mental health.

It is also coined as Vajikarana Tantra, which deals with infertility. Enhancing and improving virility and health of progeny is also dealt with.

Ayurveda recommends proper use of diet and herbal formulations to improve physique, potency, strength, and complexion. Manages and cures sexual impotency, loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.

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